Our Strategy
1. Teaching Teachers
Creating new adult Pertame fluent speakers to support our remaining Elders to transmit the full body of Pertame knowledge.
2. Raising Babies as Speakers
Creating a living domain for the Pertame language, where children from birth to 5 years of age can be raised naturally as first language speakers.
3. Supporting Pertame as our Mother Tongue
Supporting young mothers and carers of Pertame children to become fluent speakers, take the language home and raise their babies completely within the Pertame language.
4. Reconnecting With the Voice of the Land
Reconnecting to a livelihood supported and sustained on the land, connecting and caring for country through language.
5. Growing a Pertame Education System
Creating an immersive Pertame education system, that enables children to thrive within the Western world through the lens of their own culture and language first
6. Leading the Way for Australian First Nations Languages
Inspire, empower, influence and support a new wave of immersion language revival within Australian Indigenous communities with endangered languages